Sunday, 18 November 2018

Day 223 - Los Angeles, USA To Hong Kong

We awoke just before 9am in the city of LA in our ridiculously overpriced accommodation which was a much needed refuge from the world. First on the agenda was food. Subway was conveniently located 300 metres down the road & would be quicker & likely cheaper than eating at the airport.
Which would of been the case if Tom didn't order both of our subs with extra cheese, olives & pickles at an extra $1 per topping.  Regardless, we stuffed our faces & made jokes about #livinourbestlives in America.

Checking out & catching an uber to the airport was easy enough. We were dreading this long haul flight & even the security procedures seemed to go on forever. There was several long lines, security questions, baggage scans & sniffer dogs.
I was a bit unhappy to be told that the art cylinder containing the papyrus couldn't be carried onto the plane & remain with me. It was too long & past their cabin baggage size requirement. I was very resistant & explained it was an accumulation of art & fragile.
Sadly, I had to relent, despite flying with it multiple times, taking it on trains, bus's & boats. A heap of stickers were applied to it, stating it was fragile & I had to hand it over at the gate. I won't see it again till we arrive in Bangkok. I'm so nervous it will be lost or damaged. It's been by my side or safely locked away since Egypt.
Thankfully we brought that extra PVC pipe in Guatemala, which should provide extra protection. 

Finally we were on board, running late & seated comfortably. 
Hong Kong airlines are always really comfortable flights & they go all out with wifi on the plane, an updated entertainment program on the built in tv, blankets, pillows, leg room, food etc.
The plane finally left the runway at 12.40pm, late by 30 minutes.
Tom immediately starts watching the new Jurassic park & I picked a movie called me before you. A great movie, but a really sad story & I was balling my eyes out by the ending. Rookie error picking this one on a plane!
We each watched 5 movies before falling asleep. 15 hours on a plane is a really long time, we will be so relieved when it's over. 

The plane landed at 7pm Hong Kong time & we found ourselves in a familiar airport. We giggled about how amazed we were in this airport the last time we were here, 227 days ago. 
It's a very big airport, but very organised, clean, comfortable & even beautiful. It has trams taking you from one terminal to the other, many floors of escalators, white tiles, real flowers in gardens both horizontal & vertical & the indoor waterfall.

Once through into the main lounge, we freshened up in the bathroom & found some comfortable seats. I managed to find 3 in a row without an arm rest, which allowed me to lie down & get 2 hours sleep. I woke up feeling very nauseous & sleep deprived.
These long haul flights are really taxing & we compared complaints about sore tail bones, backs, hips & heads.

We've got 6 hours till our next flight & not much to do but wait. 

- Alli

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