Friday, 11 May 2018

Day 48 - Mongolia Tour. Return From Eight Lakes

Day 10 on tour. 

All of a sudden an alarm could be heard & it was 8am. After the usual morning requirements, We had some free time which we spent enjoying the sunshine & taking even more photographs!

It was around 10.30am when we set off on our horses back the way we came, up & down the mountains. It looks so different when it's not covered in snow. We rode for about 4 hours at a fast trot when the terrain permitted. We then stopped for lunch & swapped our horses for the tour van & our driver Jackie. Bakky the horse guide would meet us at his guest house later, as we drove off we could see all the horses galloping across the grass.

On our way into the national park a few days ago we were meant to stop at a waterfall but weren't able to see due the heavy snow fall. We were now on our way to see it, in all its prime from the melted snow. We spent about an hour here before heading back to Bakky's guest house where he had already arrived with all the horses.
It was good to be reunited with more of our belongings. This was promptly followed by a face washer shower & dressing in some fresh clothes that do not smell like horse!

When I heard the adult goats & sheep return to feed their young, I ventured outside for some goat love & a game of hide & seek with the children.

Even with a language barrier, Mongolian children are very happy to play with foreigners & show off their toys & favourite pets.

- Alli

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